As aforementioned, Sunday, March 20th was awesome. Rebecca turned 10 on Friday the 18th so she had her fødselsdagfest (birthday party) on Sunday. Around 11:30 10 or so little girls came over bearing adorable gifts and lots of energy. Rebecca opened her presents and then I got to do Zumba with the girls! They were very good despite the language barrier and me forgetting a few of the moves. They seemed to really enjoy least that what I gathered from their smiling faces. Plus, I had a great time!
Karina explaining the least I think that is what she was explaining. |
The rest of the party was a lot of running around, painting fingernails, doing hair and singing Barbie Girl on the karaoke game. I think I heard Barbie Girl more times on Sunday than I have in the last ten years :) For those of you not familiar with Barbie Girl, it is a rather amusing (but often obnoxious) song by the band Aqua (which is actually from Denmark!). I had a great time listening to the girls try to follow along with the English words. "I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world" I have to say they did a much better job than I would have at Danish karaoke. They even put on flashy costumes and whipped out some dance moves. As did Andreas...which I really wish I could've gotten a picture of. It was about the funniest thing ever. "Come on Barbie Let's go party."
Well, I certainly hope Rebecca had as much fun as I did at her party because I thought it was just great :)
Right after the party, Andreas, Jesper and I put on some layers and headed off to the FCKøbenhavn fodball game. I was super excited. DIS students got tickets for free since it was a "field trip for danish class" and then I was able to get two more tickets for the boys. Andreas let me borrow his FCK scarf and I bought myself a fancy new jersey. As of right now, that is the most expensive shirt I own. But I have been telling people all semester that a jersey was one thing I was for sure buying. And I for sure did...and I love it!
FCK won 3-2 against Brøndby, another Denmark club that is FCK's big rival. We heard lots of amusing FCK fight songs over and over and over (literally for the entire game) and saw a lot of toilet paper getting thrown. I even had my first København hot dog! A hot dog and a Carlsberg at the fodball game...what a perfect firsthand cultural experience.
The stadium! (the biggest in Denmark) |
DIS friends! |
Me and host brother, Andreas. I just plain adore this. And I adore him. |
On Monday my architecture class visited a building called the Teitgen kollegium. A kollegium is kind of like a dorm, but the residences don't necessarily have to go to the same college or university. So you get to meet a lot of different people, rather than only meeting people very similar to yourself. The Teitgen kollegium is very new and was built to last a very long time and was designed so it would look the same in 100 years as it does now. Guess we won't know until 100 years from now if it worked but that was the goal at least. This kollegium is very innovative in that it is shaped like a circle. It is very community based and all the residents are very involved in social life and "extracurricular" activities. This is a great example of Danish design for you: innovative, community-based and sustainable.
Imagine this on every's a big circle with a courtyard in the middle. |
Most beautiful practice room I have ever seen. It's overlooking the canal. |
I love these washing machines and dryers! |
Tuesday I had classes and then in the evening I made BLTs for my family before going back to town to meet Lauren, Katie and Assiyah and help Katie celebrate her 21st birthday. We did this the only way we know how: cider, cocktails, tequila shots (yuck!), lots of laughing and dancing!