Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 2 of grown up living

I won't write much tonight because I traveled far and wide to a little cafe with wi-fi (shout-out to JavaHouse)...(oh and to downtown Iowa City, which is awesome on a Friday night! It's rocking with outdoor dining, a grilled cheese stand and live music.)  Anyways, I managed to seat myself nowhere near an outlet and I'm too proud to move from this spot now that I'm here. I have approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes of power left, but I doubt this place is even open that long so maybe I will write until one or the other happens, computer dies or they kick me out. Haha. 

I hope everyone is doing well tonight. I have survived day two, actually day 3, of being in my apartment. Sleeping last night went much better now that the air is back on. The only disconcerting thing was the dream I had that included a really insane frog/owl/pterodactyl creature that I'm pretty sure spawned off the real life giant fish species that is living in the pond behind our apartment. Apparently my subconscious thinks those fish could sprout wings and make it up to our apartment to torment me. Nevertheless, I slept well in my new bed and awoke to realize the fish in the pond really are just fish. I spent my day organizing my room, getting my hair cut, going grocery shopping, putting together an IKEA coffee table, vacuuming and baking (brownies and puppy chow: perfect "break in the kitchen" food :).  So far it appears I really enjoy being "Holly homemaker" (I don't think that's a real saying, I just made it up), even if it is just for me. But the boyfriend (Mr. Quintin Gittemeier, from Knox) is visiting this weekend so I did actually have a real reason to come up with delicious meals and make the apartment look as good as possible. 

I really want to write all about my meeting with Michelle (my soon-to-be lab advisor), but I don't have enough time so maybe I'll write a post before bed tonight and post it the next time I get internet. All I can say for now is, it really made me excited to be a part of this Neuro program and for the upcoming research opportunities! Okay I sound like a big dork so I better stop.

Thanks as always for reading :)  

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