Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Far too long

It has been far too long since I have written anything, wouldn't you say?  I can hardly believe we are nearing the end of June already.  I am halfway through my summer internship, which is unbelievable for two reasons: it doesn't feel as though I have been here, doing research, coming to work at the lab every day for five weeks already...but at the same time, it feels as though the friends I have made in the past 5 weeks have been my friends for years.  I guess that is what happens when you live in close proximity, share a mutual passion for science, and spend hour upon hour, day after day, in a lab either staring at a computer screen or sniffing chemicals (as for me I stare at the computer screen and sometimes I convince myself that I can actually feel my cognitive processes fading away).  Back to the main point...5 weeks done, 5 weeks left.  Crazy.

Like I said, it's been such a long time since I have written anything in here.  For some reason it seems much harder for me to put together a decent post now; it's not that my life is boring, but I do feel as though the things that I do now are much more run-of-the-mill than all of my previous exciting travels and I am just not certain you want to hear me ramble about watching American tv, eating American food and speaking English all the time.  I think I am subconsciously burdened by a need to compete with Denmark Rachel.  Maybe if I just use all of the right words I can make my Iowa City life seem almost as glamorous as my Copenhagen life.  It's worth a try.

Although this summer is full of research, studying for the GRE (ick!), planning my senior research for next term and generally being scared silly about my impending and inevitable future, I am also doing my best to make time for a bunch of really awesome activities.  For one thing, I have been riding my bike (whose name is Lyle, by the way) as much as possible.  Not only can I get to work in less time than it takes on the bus, it also wakes me up every morning to coast through the fresh air, feel the mud splash on my legs (I usually don't see mud puddles until Lyle is too close to them) and blare my special biking playlist into one ear (have to keep one ear open for important things like traffic, of course).   Besides just riding to work, I have also spent some time on the nice Iowa City bike paths with friends.  I think the most memorable moment I have had on a bike ride so far was getting hissed at by geese who were literally taking up more than their fair share of the bike path.  My friend Dan and I were just passing by, on our bikes, as nicely as possible and apparently the geese were really not pleased with us.  Is it reasonable to be scared of an animal 1/8 your size when you are on a hefty machine made of metal and gears?  No, probably not, but that doesn't mean I had any desire to stick around to see what would happen in the face-off between Lyle and the goose.  Lyle and I booked it out of there, with Dan and his bike (Lexi) following close behind.

Another thing I am desperate to do this summer is dance.  I have already gone to a few Zumba classes here and although it is fun, I am disappointed that no one has lived up to my previous Prairie City Zumba experiences.  I enjoy going to these classes but they make me really want to either be back at Kat's class or teaching my own class.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can teach Zumba at Knox.  It would just  be so swell.  We'll see.
And now for some actual dancing, I recently found out that a few of my hallmates can swing dance.  It just so happens that I LOVE swing dancing.  I searched and searched and searched for swing dancing opportunities in Iowa City and was lucky enough to come across a group that swing dances in downtown IC every Thursday night.  Naturally, I was ecstatic so after work last Thursday I got all dolled up, grabbed some friends and headed downtown.  Although I rarely wear skirts, for this special occasion I had on a high-waisted skirt, leggings, gold flats and a big flower headband.  I looked like I just walked out of the forties, which is pretty appropriate for a night of swing dancing.  Unfortunately, no swing dancing was to be found and my friends and I ended up in a bar eating appetizers and playing darts (still in my dancing garb).  Although the lack of dancing made me want to cry (and I wouldn't deny it if someone claimed they actually had seen a tear or two on my cheek), I am really glad my friends were there so I didn't have to go to a bar by myself and wash away my disappointment with a few too many Shirley Temples.

The failed night of swing dancing has made me more determined to find somewhere to ballroom dance.  I think I might give the Senior Center a try...apparently there will be Tango tonight and salsa tomorrow night.  I'll keep you updated.

I forgot to mention- the reason I am obsessed with dancing this summer is because I am lined up to be the president of ballroom club next year. YIKES.  I gotta learn some sweet moves before I can stand in front of everyone and pretend like I know enough to teach them.

I realize this is a pretty short post compared to some of my abroad posts but I am supposed to be having a meeting soon and since I am getting paid for my real job and not paid to sit around sending my thoughts all over the interwebs, I should probably skidaddle.  Who knows, maybe next time I won't wait 4 weeks before writing.

As always, tak for reading and enjoy your day!

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