Monday, December 31, 2012

So it's the last day of 2012

And, if I were to follow social norms I'd probably write a nice post looking back on 2012 and making resolutions for the new year. But to be honest, I don't want to do that. And really, do I seem like one whose main goal is to follow social norms? Plus, our traditional New Year's Eve celebration with my family and Mike and Ginny always entails some really nice reflection and reading of resolutions we made last year. And it truly is one of my favorite parts of our get-together. However, given the heaviness of this year's events, I'll save the reflections and tears for this evening and devote this post to....well I'm not sure yet. Probably a bunch of random things.

Like my absolute failure to eat a candy cane without biting it constantly. You know all those kids who could craft their candy canes into sharp points and wield them against their friends (or enemies)....yeah, that wasn't me. I guess I'll have to learn some other method of defending myself against the scary Christmas elves (ask me about the movie Rare Exports if you're wondering why I'd think any Christmas elves are scary).

Like my ingenious idea of the Modern Mixtape (previously known as The Mixtape of the 21st Century), which is going to stay only an idea until I figure out how to make someone at Apple/iTunes listen to me. Basically I want to be able to purchase songs on iTunes and put them in a specific playlist that has a self-determined cool title (i.e. Songs for your medial geniculate nucleus) and then gift that playlist unto one of my friends, via their iTunes account or a fancy little code they could use to download it. There it is, the one and only genius invention of mine. If any of you have an in with the bigwigs of Apple, please slip them a note on a napkin about this idea.

Like why the words genius and ingenious mean pretty much the same thing (albeit one is a noun and one is an adjective) and yet, according to other examples from the English language, it seems like they should have opposite meanings. Thank you English for the many exceptions to the already confusing rules.

Like the epic Christmas gift exchange we did the other day at Seyb Christmas. The brainchild of my cousin Hannah, we drew each other's names out of a hat and then trekked over to the big yellow house (my Grandma Audrey and Grandpa Darrell's "empty" house). Though it no longer houses the life and love it once did, it is nonetheless full of treasures and memories. We took turns (kids, then adults) searching the house for the best gifts for the person we picked out of the hat. We filled our bag(s) and then returned to Doug's house to exchange the treasures. It was a hoot and a half! I couldn't believe some of the awesome stuff that came out of there. I am pleased to announce I received a Wheatie's box from 1998 that had the Olympic Gold Medal US Women's Hockey team on it. A collector's item. Apparently Grandma believed that its value would increase exponentially. It might be worth about $5 now? But I'm pleased to own it :)

Like how Tucker might have been the real winner because he received a bag of change that Abby had found and I believe the total turned out to be somewhere around $60. Ha! I do think we all made out like bandits because we truly enjoyed spending the time with each other...and that's the real treasure :D

Ok, it's New Year's Eve and I have to go cheer for the Cyclones- it's the Liberty Bowl!

Thank you to everyone who has read this've given me an audience, which is more than I can ask for. There will be more insights, laughs and things I'm bound to learn in the next year.
Much love to you all and best wishes for a beautiful 2013.


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