Saturday, January 12, 2013

Taking a risk. Don't make me regret it.

Here's a warning, what's coming up is embarrassing. For me. But it's really too good not to share. I trust all of you with take it in good humor and not hold the lame-ness of past Rachel against present or future Rachel.

I'm home this weekend and was lucky enough to stumble upon this fancy green journal that I write in about once a year. I don't purposely write on the exact same day but the yearly entry usually occurs right before I go to school in August or January. So basically right now. This journal is kind of awesome because there are only about 8 entries and yet it contains so much of my life. I re-read all of the entries every time I find it, of course. And I'm thoroughly enjoying some of the ridiculous things past me has said. Most of it is about school and how in my wildest dreams I get to do research with "exercise, mice, cognitive functions?? something like that!" And what do you know...that's what I do now! (minus the mice)

Anyway, the real part that I just have to share is this juicy tidbit, which was written in Aug. 2010, a few months after my long-term relationship had ended and I was enjoying the single life again.  Seriously, don't judge. But you may laugh. And yes, it's directed to a future boy. I guess I'm an optimist.

*insert paragraph of partially-insightful comments on life and love and being independent*

"So boy...wherever you are right now...know that I am looking forward to meeting you. But for the time being, I'm riding solo (remember that song?'s a big hit right now) and I'm loving it."

Oh past Rachel, you crack me up. Thanks for that.

Along those's another good story for the books. My mom told me the other day that she was cleaning out our beautiful big desk and she found some old Clark Christmas letters. While reading through them she found this:
(I'm paraphrasing....I haven't read the actual letter yet. It's hidden amongst the Christmas decorations currently.)
"Rachel is now in first grade. She has quite the personality. She came home on the first day of school and said 'Mom, I'm having boy problems.'  We said, 'Oh really? What's going on, Rachel?'
She replied "Ryan keeps trying to kiss me and he won't stop calling me hot lips!!"

I don't quite know why I was so distraught about this situation. Apparently I thought 'hot lips' was an insult?  Anyway, all of our family and friends were privileged enough to hear that story so I thought I better entertain you with it as well.

Happy Saturday night :)

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