Sunday, September 16, 2012

Some Cyclones, some Hawkeyes, some amusing sights and a Billy Possum

Last night, I snuggled into my bed, watched an episode of the office and then pulled up my blog to write a new post. Before even typing the first word I realized all I had to say was what an awesome day yesterday was, and I figured that wasn't interesting enough for anyone to read about so I shut my computer and fell asleep. This morning, a whole 8 hours later, however, is a significantly different story. That might be because I should really be doing homework. So naturally my inclination to ramble about my thoughts has exponentially increased.

First and foremost, the CyHawk (Cyclone-Hawkeye: Iowa State: Iowa) game was last weekend.  I was rather torn, given my lifelong devotion to the Cyclones and my newfound title as grad student at U of Iowa. So here's how I attempted to remain fairly bipartisan...

And in case you can't read that in the mirror...

"Beat the other team" -courtesy Raygun

I'll admit I felt a little stupid taking self-photos but I wanted one for the blog and I was all by myself at home and there was just no other alternative. So it was all for you, blog-reader. All for you. 

 Prior to me taking those all too awesome and not at all lame selfies, this next photo is what I awoke to at 7:30 am last Saturday, and the exact same thing, only with more talking, yesterday.
Inflatable Herky. Guess you can't go wrong there.
Last Saturday my day consisting of tailgating, a.k.a. walking around my apartment, Melrose Drive, and the stadium trying to find a place to sit and eat food. I hung out with Cassie, one of Abby's friends/bridesmaids who lives in Iowa City. We finally made our way to the home of a friend of hers and then we just ate great food, sat on the garage roof (see next pic) and enjoyed the atmosphere.

Yesterday I did end up going to the game with two of my cousin's friends (who are, I hope, now my friends too!) and beforehand we all just hung out in my apartment with Abby and Kyle, who also came to IC for the game.  It seriously was such a blast.  I can't quite imagine doing this every weekend....okay, what I did I can imagine doing because I drank one beer, ate a bunch of food and went to bed at 11:30 pm.  However, I cannot imagine doing what most people do on game days. Haha.

Okay, now for the real reason I wanted to post this morning. Here are "Things I saw and laughed at while on my morning run the day after a home game" (drum roll please)
1. My landlord. At 7:15 am. Starting to pick up the trash and DJ equipment, which had been left out all night. Seriously, if I was a bad person (and I had friends to help me carry things upstairs) I would have a new computer, sound mixer and large tv right now. I waved at him.
2. A guy picking up his lawn beer pong table...and peeing into his bushes. Thank you for that.
3. A girl, decked out in Iowa gear, leaving a boy's apartment. Aw yeah, get it girl.
4. A husband and wife eating breakfast on their back porch. Adorable. Seriously, that one I'm not making fun of, I really think that's adorable.
5. A guy walking through our parking lot, picking up multiple trash bags full of cans. He's gonna make a nice lump sum of change on that. I approve.

Okay, I will end with one of the greatest sentences I heard on my podcast while I ran. I also laughed out loud at this. "The Billy Possum never even made it to see Christmastime, which is a special kind of tragedy for a toy."
So my newest obsession is listening to podcasts while I run and bike. My current favorite is called 99% Invisible. If I've spiked your interest enough, check it out at  The episode I just referred to is #40: Billy Possum. 

I really have to go to work now, a.k.a. make breakfast, drink coffee, shower and then do work. Happy Sunday!!

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