Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Ah classes...these are the real reason I'm going abroad, right? To study? Well, yes, I suppose so.
At DIS, there are a variety of core courses which you choose one of and along with each course are two study tours to various countries. I am taking Psychology of Happiness and my study tours will be to Western Denmark and Milan, Italy. Here is the description of this class:
What does science reveal about happiness? What are the possible pitfalls of a psychology of happiness? This course is an examination of recent psychological research in the rapidly expanding field of positive psychology. Students will explore constructs of well-being and happiness and consider the ways that positive emotions influence cognition, health, wealth, and social relationships.

Honestly, this class really is one of the main reasons I chose DIS. I get to study happiness is one of the happiest countries in the world!
Besides the main course, each student chooses multiple electives. I will be taking
Developmental Neuropsychology
20th and 21st Century Danish Architecture
Danish Language and Culture
European Urban Design Theories

At Knox I generally stick to science as much as possible, with only necessary detours to one history class and a few dance classes, but now that I have the chance I am trying to broaden my sights a little. Also, not that this reeeeeally matters, but my grades this semester won't affect my actual GPA. Finally, a chance to learn for the sake of learning. Little known fact about me...I'm awful at art. Just awful. But I adore architecture and I'm psyched that I get to take a real class in it. Now my only fear is being way out of my element while being surrounded by architecture geniuses. Hope I don't have to draw anything.
I haven't signed up for it yet, but I'm also thinking of taking a class titled Sustainability in Austrian Architecture. It's a 1-credit class that includes a study tour to Austria and Germany. I just don't think I can pass up something as awesome as that...so signing up for that might be a little Christmas present to myself.
I will know my schedule better once I get to Denmark but I do know that we don't have class on Wednesdays because some classes take field tours (field trips for college kids) around Copenhagen and Denmark. I think my Urban Designs class will have a couple of these tours.
Until I find something else to tell you about, hej hej! (in Danish, hej=hi and hej hej=bye, go figure!)

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