Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And while we were walking we met the cutest Danish...

Once upon a time, after a trip with my architecture class to see The New Playhouse (see image above), my friend Erin and I were headed back to the train station when we saw the cutest duck. We named him Maui the mallard.  We spent at least 15 minutes playing with him, having him follow us and generally oooh-ing and awww-ing at how cute he was. Some other Danish woman even stopped to oooh and awww with us.  Thought you might want to oooh and awww yourself.  Enjoy.

While Erin was taking this picture, in my mind I was picturing Maui's sharp little beak suddenly lunging at my fingers.  Fortunately for you I summoned the courage to stick my hand out and look away, trusting in the good of all ducks everywhere, and to my happy surprise no harm was done! I left with all fingers intact and a sweet picture of me and a duck.  Check out the video for more of him :)
And that's the story of the cutest Danish duck :)

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