Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Must be doing something right

So last night at ballroom dance class, as I got into waltz hold with one of the leaders, the following conversation ensued:

Him:  "You look like a scientist. Are you a scientist?"
Me: "Yes, I actually am. How could you tell? Or was it just a lucky guess?" (It wasn't like I was wearing lab googles and a pocket protector or anything)
Him: "You just look and seem like you would be a scientist. Biological sciences?"
Me:  "You're right again. Neuroscience."
Him (obviously pleased with his accurate assessment of my academic interest): "Oh so you know Dan Tranel!" (Dan Tranel is the head of the Neuropsychology clinic and one of my professor and all together awesome and a little intimidating.)
Me: "Yes! He teaches one of my classes. He's fantastic!"

And then we talked about Dan Tranel the entire time we waltzed.

The secondary point is what a small world it is (although it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Dan Tranel had some connection to pretty much everyone in Iowa City), but the main point is that I'm actually incredibly pleased that somehow, even without conscious attempt (because it is something I would try to do...if I had thought of it), I managed to give off the scientist vibe. I really don't know what it was about my belted red jeans with the tucked in button-up shirt, accessorized with my gold ballroom shoes, but the fact that I seem like a scientist to a complete stranger, even when I'm completely out of my natural laboratory habitat...well, it weirdly enough gives me an added boost of confidence in my career of choice.

Then again, maybe it's in my perfume. Whoever would've guessed "White Citrus" really has a secret ingredient that smells like science.

Ok, this was admittedly an odd post. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Goodnight!

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