Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm not usually wrong. But when I's about this.

When I was younger I was convinced that I'd be a very good loner. I could live in the mountains, in a gorgeous house surrounded by beautiful landscaping, complete with stainless steel appliances and the coolest shower available...Oh and the most important part, in all of these fun fantasies, I'd be all by my lonesome. I dreamt of spending my time working out, doing academic work and then sitting in a hammock, simply relaxing. Obviously this is a ridiculous proposition. And I knew it wasn't actually going to happen. But I thought, naively, that living like that would make me very happy.

And some of it would have.

But after some major thought, I've decided that after about the first week, I would be miserable. Because I like people.
And maybe that's the major game changer. I didn't used to like people. I mean, I had friends, whom I liked. And I liked some other people. But I didn't used to glean quite so much enjoyment from just being with and talking to people, as I do now.  
I'll still admit I don't adore every single person I encounter. But I do give each person a chance, and I think I give people a lot more credit than I used to. And they totally deserve it. I think I just used to be too cynical. I'd say it's a new and improved me that (as often as I can) starts with a general like and appreciation for each person. And I've found that's a much better way to live. 

Just something I've been thinking about lately. 

On another totally random note, today I decided to buy some new notebooks. One is for "Words previously unknown by Rachel". It's basically a dictionary of words I encounter that I don't understand. Even if it's a word I recognize, if I am unable to come up with a reasonable definition, it goes in the notebook. Then, when I have the chance, I'll look up the definitions and fill in the blanks in the notebook. I got so lucky as to happen upon a cute little A-to-Z notebook that has beautiful typefont background of a letter on each page. So the words just get written on the correct page and then I don't have to do any more rearranging or anything. It is pretty fabulous. There must be at least 15 total words already, most of which I just learned this evening. And thus begins the process of expanding my vocabulary. 
Secondly, at this same cute store, I bought two little blank page notebooks. These are my "random thoughts" notebooks. Whenever I have a totally random thought that I feel should be remembered, or at least acknowledged, I'll jot it down and date it. For some reason I had multiple of these thoughts today. I think it was because I drank a cup of coffee this morning (thanks to my coffee-making-and-drinking roommate Katie :), so that I wouldn't fall asleep at the workshop (success!)  However, that extra jolt this morning did lead me to a slightly more distractible state of mind.  Here are just two of the jotted down ideas from today...
~ Buy more cardigans
~ need to dance.  find a way. 
~ remember to tell Katie about the dream about Scooter (my cat)
~ buy a notebook for unknown words  (Success!)

For whatever reason, it is strangely satisfying to see what could have been a fleeting thought become a physical entity that exists on the perfectly white page of the pretty pink notebook.  It's just nice.

Think that's all for today. I've been biking a lot these days so I'm a bit more worn out by the time I get into bed at night. Which is now. And therefore, goodnight all :)

P.S. (see title of post) I'll admit it, I am wrong some other times. I don't know about what yet. But I know it happens.......occasionally :)

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